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viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Permanent revolution

I've been reading Trotsky a lot lately.

I've burned my retinas looking at the laptop screen as I was remembering the whole theory. I don't know why but lately I feel more close to this kind of thinking. I know the whole concept is kind of difficult to achieve, but I think is happening.

I don't know if he was thinking about the Globalization , or the INTERNET phenomena, but is happening.

People is sharing, learning things, questioning themselves and everything.

We're no longer a conformist society, we're growing to be a brand new generation of people who I think is going to make things better.

Or I hope.

Until then, I'm going to stick reading more and more, because if there's a concept totally tangled with the Trostkism is that you, as human being, have the capacity of thinking, learning and questioning things no matter what.

And that's what make us different as individuals.

Under this concept I'm starting a project I'll soon share with you, is actually a school project but I think it could work, so I'm going to share it with you all soon.

And oh! By the way this is a contest I joined in. Maybe you've noticed in the left of the blog page, you just need to get in the page and make your wish list, remember to put my blog as place you've learnt about the contest.

The winner would win a 500€ check.

Good luck people!

And this are totally unrelated pictures from Friday... maybe there was some revolution in Piccadilly Downtown Club too.

12 comentarios:

Ninasvintage dijo...

Me ha encantado tu comentario, eres un sol y bienvenida de nuevo después de una temporada!!!

Las Lolicas de siempre dijo...

Muchas gracias!!!!Me encanta como vas en tu anterior entrada!!!!


allthatshewants dijo...

qué fiestón!!!!

Unknown dijo...

que genialessss
saludos laumika

Loufits dijo...

que chulas =)
1 besazo

Iris Castro García. dijo...

me encantan las fotos.

Hope Adela Pasztor dijo...

looks like such a fun time! i love your blog banner! =)

aguryogur dijo...

im following you!
thanks for your comment

Piti&Cari dijo...

que reguapos que estais!!
veo que has retomado el blog, asín me gusta jejejej


Andi Cui dijo...

Que desfase!!!!!!
Estais todos super guapos y se ve que lo pasais genial!!!
Gracias por tus comentarios!!!!

eugenialejos dijo...

vaya fieston! os lo pasariais genial!!

Oh my Dior! dijo...

wow que feliz te ves :)